5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

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People shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids. In fact, parents absolutely know what’s best for their kids in every situation, which is why you’ve never heard of a mom calling a doctor at two AM because her child has a fever.

Moms automatically know exactly what to do. They know better than anyone what their child needs or doesn’t need.

That’s why the vaccination debate is so ridiculous to me…because moms inherently know more than everyone. Which brings me to this… 5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

When a woman conceives a child, the entirety of human knowledge is written into her essence and as that child is brought forth unto this world, that knowledge flowers in her mommy brain and every decision she makes for her child is absolutely the right, and only right decision.

So who are we to judge those moms that choose NOT to vaccinate THEIR kids?

Before you get your mom panties in a knot, hear me out…

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids

1. You don’t like them, anyway.

I get it. Some kids are just born a little more awful than others. So if your plan is to not vaccinate your kid in hopes that they’ll catch some horrible virus that’ll off them so you can start over, sure. That makes total sense.

It’s evil, and disgusting, and I hope you get a million fire ant bites, but hey, the good news is that’s less likely to happen to you than your child catching something deadly because you’re an inherent dumb-dumb.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

2. You’re more scared of big scientific sounding words than you are of viruses that have killed millions upon millions of people.

I get it! Vaccines have a lot of big, scary words. And, some of the ingredients in vaccines have been linked to carcinogenic risks and I bet even a very eensy teensy tiny portion of the population might be allergic to some of the ingredients and they might have a bad reaction.

Know what? That’s why the doctor keeps you at the office for 15 minutes after your child receives a vaccine. That way if they react, the doctor can fix it. Nifty set up, huh?

As for the scary words, know what other scientific word kills people? Dihydrogen monoxide. And yet you still put it into your body every single day. So put away your dictionary, and stop freaking out over words that you maybe don’t understand.

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

3. You believe all internet memes are true.

“Gandhi was against vaccines. A mother flipping meme told me so.” Yeah, I’ve seen that meme. And I’ve looked it up. And you know what he compared vaccines to? Eating beef.

Vaccines are as bad as eating beef because cows and all life is sacred. So here’s where that comes from: the small pox vaccine was derived from cows infected with cow pox. Which means that every person who received a small pox vaccine was being given a small amount of cow.

I can definitely understand why a man whose religion holds cows as sacred would be against being injected with one. But unless you, too, are a fruitarian (which he was), perhaps you should put down your Big Mac and go get your kids their freakin’ vaccines.

4. You’d rather your children build their immunity to things like polio and measles naturally…just like you did.

Oh, wait. You didn’t have polio did you. Know why? ‘CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED!

5. You know more about vaccines from that one article you read online than your pediatrician knows after eight years of higher education and thousands of hours of study.

I’ll just let the people in this video address that one…

Look, I understand that I don’t live in your house, I’ve not experienced your life and I certainly can’t judge you for your parenting choices. But I’m going to anyway.

Not getting your children vaccinated is really stupid. Like, it’s really stupid.

It makes me furious and makes the blood in my veins boil with hatred toward you for putting your children in such a vulnerable and dangerous position. And if it just affected YOUR children, I might even be able to hold back my vitriol; but, it doesn’t.

Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated. Your child can infect a child who is fighting cancer, or whose immunity has been compromised by something else entirely out of their control.

YOUR child can act as a walking time bomb and spread illnesses that haven’t been around for years all because the idea of giving them a medically sound shot scares you.

Your child deserves better. Get your kids vaccinated. Don’t be that parent that we all hate.

Jamie’s Note: To those parents who can’t vaccinate because their child is immunocompromised, or allergic, etc. this obviously isn’t directed at you. In fact, you should be the most pissed off at the people who don’t vaccinate their perfectly healthy children– because that is how your children stay safe!

5 Reasons To NOT Vaccinate Your Kids #vaccinate #vaccinatedebate #vaccinations #kidsvaccinations #vaccinatekids

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  1. I have an immunocompromised kid and it’s none of my business what others choose for their kids.

      1. Herd immunity through vaccination does not exist. The theory behind herd immunity is that if a given percentage of individuals (usually between 85-96%) are vaccinated, the community is fully immune from outbreaks and the immunized protect those who cannot be immunized. However, many outbreaks have occurred within populations that have been fully immunized, and some research points to the vaccination program as the instigator of outbreaks.

        Supporting statistics for this phenomenon include:

        2009: over two dozen cases of pertussis in Hunterdon County, New Jersey; all the children infected had been immunized prior to contracting the illness
        1994: measles outbreak in Cincinnati; 80% of the children involved had had at least three doses of the vaccine
        1989: 2,720 reported cases of measles nationally; 72.5% (1,972 of them) occurred in those who were vaccinated
        1989: measles outbreak in a high school in Illinois; 69 cases, 99.7% occurred in those who were vaccinated
        1987: CDC reported 2,440 cases of measles among vaccinated children
        1986: measles outbreak in Corpus Christi, TX; 99% occurred in children who had been vaccinated
        1986: in Kansas; 1,300 cases of pertussis were reported; 90% occurred in those who were vaccinated
        1984, measles outbreak at a high school in Waltham, Massachusetts; 27 cases, 98% had documented proof of vaccination against the measles
        1971, a rubella epidemic in Casper, Wyoming; 84% (91 of the 125 cases) occurred in vaccinated children
        During the measles outbreaks above, it’s important to note that there were a surprisingly low number of measles cases in the unvaccinated population.

        Many studies reveal that clusters of children have gotten measles and whooping cough despite vaccination. For example, according to the Ohio Department of Health, 50% the reported cases of whooping cough in Ohio from 1987 to 1991 were in vaccinated persons. The Journal of Pediatrics published a study in 1989 showing a 55% failure rate in the pertussis vaccine (Walene James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth).

        True herd immunity can only result from a healthy, fully functioning immune system. Vaccines cannot confer “herd immunity” because vaccines only stimulate one of the two essential parts of the immune system. And the part they do stimulate they do so ineffectively.

        The immune system is made up of the two lines of defense: the first is the innate system that relies on “killer cells” and the second is the humoral system which produces antibodies for anything that gets beyond the innate system. When something is virulent enough to produce antibodies from the humoral system after passing through the innate system, the totality of the response produces lifelong immunity from that specific invader.

        Vaccines are said to work when they provoke antibodies but since they bypass the innate system of killer cells, the antibody response isn’t as strong as it would have been had the virus passed through the immune system in the proper way. This creates a secondary issue of “original antigenic sin” (OAS).

        OAS refers to the initial response mounted by the immune system to any invader. Once that is set, it is the level of response that body will mount forever more. If OAS is a weak response, subsequent responses to a similar invader will be weak; if the initial response is strong, subsequent responses will be equally strong.

        Since vaccines cannot replicate the virulence of a wild virus without causing the same disease process, the OAS from vaccination is muted. It completely bypasses the innate system and only involves the second level of defense, antibodies. So when a person encounters the virus in the future, it can only mount the same inadequate defense it originally created.

        When disease outbreaks occur, officials first blame it on reduced “herd immunity” because of those who refuse to vaccinate despite the fact that most states meet the CDC’s targeted goal of 95% vaccination rate among children. The blame is better placed on the concept of ineffectively stimulating the immune response leaving those vaccinated vulnerable to disease while possessing an inadequate immune response.

        This reality of inadequate protection among the vaccinated is shown in the numbers of vaccinated persons who succumb to the illness the vaccination was given to prevent. This is real-world evidence that vaccines do not impart the herd immunity, which can only come from the full response of the innate and humoral immune systems working together.

  2. All I need to know is an infant does not need a toxic mix of all these elements shot into his/her arm. Doesn’t sound like a good idea.

    The fact that they put aluminium in there is another main deterrent.

    If you believe anything & everything the Government tells you… Well I pity you.

    Keep strong with vitamins and probiotics. Also a healthy diet and some regular exercise…

    1. I see where you’re coming from, however not vaccinating kids isn’t the answer. All that does is put them at risk for multiple diseases such as polio. If you want change, you have to advocate for research to be done to make vaccines safer.

    2. I hope you never need Medicaid or food stamps or any other government assistance, since you don’t trust the govt at all. It goes both ways, you can’t bash the powers that be and then rely on them the next minute.

    3. A team of researchers in Canada found that common supplements such as multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C provide no protection against heart disease, heart attack, stroke or premature death. i am not trying to be rude in this coment i have been researching both sides for about an hour now and i just wanted to get you to check out this study

  3. Your article is poorly written. It is always assumed the fear is autism, it’s not. It’s autoimmune diseases. It is always assumed antivaxers weren’t once provaxers, not true. It’s also assumed we get our information online instead of from our very own pediatricians, not true. After three different pediatricians, not on of them recommended the CDC schedule. Not one doctor could tell me why the dose for a 150lb man is the same for a 6 lb baby, or why they think combo vaccines are safe when there has not been a single study on the affects of combined immunizations, nor would that naturally occur in nature. Not one doctor has been able to tell me why it’s not ok to take antibiotics unnecessarily but it’s ok to inject 69 vaccines by age 5. My grandmother was fully vaccinated with two shots, my mother with 5 and myself with 7, but my child has to have 69? No doctor has been able to explain why there was already a decline in polio and measles before vaccines – could it be variables such as better nutrition, sanitation and disposable medical equipment? They will tell you it’s natural to have aluminum in your blood, maybe, but the argument is like saying, “you drink milk, so it’s safe to inject into your blood stream.” When you have two opposing sides, like the antivaxers vs the probaxers, neither party gets their needs met because I believe what everyone can agree on is more research is needed. The CDC should not have vaccine patents or private interests in pharmaceutical companies and doctors should be held to their oath, not held to the fear of the CDC. I am not comfortable vaccinating and I’m not comfortable not vaccinating, lets stop these polarizing arguments and ask for what is needed, unbiased research.

    1. LOVE this & the 2 comments after it. The article here is idiocy & if anyone is “stupid” it’s the author for providing arguments FAR weaker than the ones the antivaxers do. Antivaxers have so much science in their arguments it makes these provaxers’ heads spin, & their minds can’t handle it. They judge antivaxers but then have the nerve to get angry, defensive, & self-righteous when the same is done to them. That’s what makes MY blood boil. *insert eye roll & move on to bigger, better, more intelligent people like yourself* Thank you for that! 🙂

    2. I will personally remove and deep fry each and every one of your teeth.

    3. The way antibiotics work is that they kill the bacteria. Vaccines are a weak strain of whatever disease you want to fight. It’s like a punching bag for your immune system to practice on. Vaccines don’t directly get rid of a disease like antibiotics do, just teaches your body how to fight the disease in its own. As for why you don’t want to use antibiotics when you don’t need to, that’s because antibiotics just get rid of bacteria at the moment it’s used. Teaching someone to fish so they can always have good is better than just giving someone a fish, afterall. Since antibiotics don’t teach your body how to fight something you’d have to take them over and over again. Eventually the bacteria will evolve to survive the antibiotic. As for the the decline in polio a few years before the vaccine: What I’m going to write next is just speculation but I imagine the guy who invented it wasn’t the only scientist trying to fight polio. There were probably scientists who came up with ways to combat and prevent polio a few years before and that their efforts were enough to lower polio rates but not to the extent the vaccine did. Again this last part is just speculation.

  4. So much love for this! Came here from pinterest ready for my blood to boil (WHY DO I DO THAT) and instead I’m laughing and nodding my head. A+ would read again.

    1. You have a smug sense of humor then. Keep laughing and vaccinating your kids—the jokes on you.

      1. Best comment!! Right on, Vinny!

  5. Vaccines cause injury and death. There is inadequate evaluation by pathologists to perform the most basic tests for vaccine induced death covered up as sids. Vaccines are responsible for development of new virus strains and are a public health crisis. Vaccine manufacturers have no liability and therefore no incentive to make a safe effective or uncontaminated vaccine. There is zero proof that any vaccine has prevented any disease, ever. Vaccines cause autoimmune disease, seizures, allergies, autism, death and more. It is never acceptable to sacrifice a healthy neurological system for temporary, if any, immunity against a germ that one may never encounter. Vaccines spread disease directly and indirectly. Vaccines are a public health crisis.

    1. So this comment sounds like satire but I’m not entirely sure…

    2. If that’s true, why do thousands of people NOT DIE from smallpox?

  6. This article is propaganda. There’s no scientific data produced here and it’s full of inflammatory words. I love seeing both sides of an issue but articles like this are very disappointing. They just serve to get those who have their minds made up and arc really examining all the evidence all riled up. It also turns moms against each other instead of promoting intellectual discussion. Disappointing.

    1. “Turning moms against each-other.”

      That’s all this country’s about, not just moms but all people. The Dichotomy of Division is what Vince calls it in his show “The Plutocracy Report.” Nothing changes when the populous can’t come to agreement and stand up for something. Even when ‘what’s right’ is so blatant…

      Keep researching and looking between the lines.

  7. Are you THAT stupid? *Sigh* this is why America is becoming more and more problematic

  8. I am in shock. I am disgusted. I am angry.
    How dare you?
    Let me start by saying that you should probably educate yourself before you degrade other people for their “uneducated” decisions, and it would probably go a long way in not only your life, but your child (ren?)’s life to show respect to others.
    Being a parent is hard, we all want to make the best decision’s for our children. I can almost guarantee that the parent that chooses not to vaccinate, has done significantly more research than the parent that chooses to vaccinate more often than not.
    We are all trying to do what is best, but there just isn’t a clear cut answer for so many things when it comes to our kids.
    What happens when the vaccine didn’t give your child immunity to a disease? Because as I’m sure you already know, there isn’t a guarantee it will. But hey, at least yout tried? What happens when a perfectly healthy child dies 2 days after getting their vaccines? Because, well, there isn’t a guarantee they won’t. But…at least you tried, right? These are not decisions that come lightly, and it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you are on. Respect that we are all just trying our best, it isn’t a battle of better parenting.

    1. How many years do you have of Medical Experience? You sure as hell don’t have a PhD in Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Study, Pathology, Microbiology, or Pediatriatrics. People go to school for YEARS to learn about this to become doctors. My mother has a PhD in neurosurgery and epidemiology, she had me vaccinated as soon as possible, she went to med school for 12 years. When’s the last time you died from tetanus? Wanna see how vaccines save lives? Take your child, I’m guessing they’re not vaccinated, and poke them with a rusty nail. Now poke a vaccinated kid with a rusty nail, wait a week and see which one is hospitalised and which one takes off a band-aid.

  9. Hi, it’s me again!
    Boy, you really are the queen of bad advice aren’t you? Again, I’ll say this to you. Do. Some. Research. Actual research. Here, I’ll get you started with some questions that you can ask google. I may even offer an answer on par with the manner in which you articles are written.

    1) What is in the vaccine?
    A)Stuff. Stuff the doctor said is good.

    2)where is the vaccine made?
    A)Probably ‘Murica, where all good stuff is made!

    and now it gets a little technical….(these are flu specific questions)

    3)How is a virus mutation predicted 2 years in advance to offer a viable vaccine?
    A)Wut? Doctor says good.

    4)Are there clinical, third party test findings that indicate that vaccines are effective?
    A) Smith and Kline said it works, that’s good enough for me!

    There’s just 4 for you. I’m awfully tired now and haven’t eaten all day. All you gotta do is research, my dear.
    Really, making a mockery of such a serious issue is unbecoming of any human. This, again,like your dinosaur article, comes down to simply believing whatever you’re told without questioning. I applaud the mothers that, in the best interest of their children, do not allow the doctor to dictate what is best simply because he/she’s a doctor. I’d also like to point out that doctors, generally speaking, don’t become doctors to help people. I’m sure there’s some great doctors out there, with the absolute best of intentions. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Doctors are in the business, generally speaking. It wouldn’t be good business practice to kiss all their customers goodbye, now would it be?
    Besides, what’s so bad about getting the flu every one in a while anyway? Why is everyone sooo terrified of this flu all of a sudden? You know what I do during flu season? I get the flu. And if it’s bad enough, I get a couple days off to rest and read. Boo hoo.

    ….or perhaps I’m just an uneducated twit.

    1. oh I just watched that Jimmy Kimmel video. Haha they said they’re doctors and told jokes. I changed my mind. Vaccines are good!
      “there’s no reason NOT to get vaccinated….”
      Fucking ridiculous. Those weren’t real doctors btw. Just thought I’d point that out in case you didn’t notice how naturally they appeared in front of the camera and delivered punchlines.

    2. You have to be kidding me. You honestly believe doctors and healthcare providers are “in the business” and getting something in return for advocating for vaccination? Wow.
      I can tell you as a nurse practitioner with over 10 years experience in healthcare, there is no reward for us to recommend vaccination other than seeing kids and adults stay healthy. We don’t get some kind of financial kickback like you are suggesting. And the VAST majority of us DID get into healthcare to help people!! The average doctor, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant has nothing to do with the creation of vaccines or sales. We recommend them based on a minimum of 8 years of higher education, rigorous study, and experience. Not just on a whim, and not because any of us are being paid to do so. My paycheck does not come from a pharmaceutical company. And no amount of money would ever convince me to recommend something unsafe that I wouldn’t want for my own children. The vast majority of us have a conscience and a good heart. I don’t know where you are getting your information but you are one step away from moving underground and wearing a tin foil hat with your theories.

      1. Yes, but many students studying medicine are being taught the vaccines are safe by pharmaceutical representatives visiting their classes, it’s not an unbiased education. Just look up Harvard and Lipitor. Come to find out, the professor had lots of $$$$$ invested and unfortunately this is not uncommon. Tobacco, NRA, Army, Alcohol and pharmaceutical companies rule the politics and policies in the United States, don’t be fooled.

      2. 1. Nurse practicioners hold a position as one of the most unhealthy occupations. They also typically know very little outside of specific procedural training.

        2. 8 years of higher education means very little in this case. You could teach someone how to make weapons for 8 years, it doesnt make it ok to use them nor does it mean they have a higher understanding of the components within. Did you know we just discovered a new major organ that has been staring us in the face? And once again we admit how little we really know about the human body. Its ok come up with quick solutions to problems (i.e. gas cars, water toilets, chemical vaccines), but it doesn’t mean they are the best solutions.

        3. I work with dozens of doctors per year and the vast majority of them do not continue their studies beyond their medical degree which most of them obtained over a decade ago. You will not find cutting edge information with the average doctors and nurses. That is saved for the biologists and medical scientists in the lab publishing white papers that most doctors dont have the time nor concern to read. Doctors and nurses are there to help with an acute immediate injuries that require medecine, patchwork, or surgery. You should not rely on them for health. One look at most doctors or nurses will tell you this without needed further scientific inquiry. Why so many people put such blind faith in doctors and make vaccines their holy grail is beyond me. Vaccines have their place but most people talk about them as if there is no potential risks and they are 100% effective which just isn’t true. Pschologically it makes sense that a parent would become so fanatical about the subject because they don’t ever esnt to think they did sonething horrible to their own children. And their are good parents on both sides of the debate. That is why there is a debate – everyone wants to do best for their children.

        4. I never understood why people would say that parents who don’t vaccinate are lazy, neglectful, or incarinf. This doesnt make sense. It is much more difficult to not vaccinate in this society than to just do it. There is overwhelming pressure from friends, family, coworkers, and blogs like this one to get vaccinated. It is much more difficult to work with schools, doctors, traveling, clubs, activities, neighbors, etc. It is far easy just to follow the herd, do what everyone else does, and not think for yourself. It is much easier and much less effort to be a parent that vaccinates. So regardless of whether its right or wrong, it is obvious that parents that dont vaccinate care deeply about their children – enough to take the harder path of not vaccinating.

    3. I don’t think you’re an uneducated twit but you do sound drunk. Evidence they work? While there probably are those studies I’m feeling lazy. Let’s instead lol at the fact that diseases like polio and small pox are unknown in this country and small pox is extinct in the world. And even when vaccines don’t give full immunity they cause the illness to be much less severe.

      Why worry about flu? Look up the Spanish Influenza. What’s in them? Pieces of actual virus or in some cases virus toxin which are dead so that your immune system knows what to look for. That’s so basic I learned it in elementary school. Where are they made? I’m not really sure that’s germaine to the discussion. And please stop drinking. It kills your liver and Intellect.

      1. You know why polio is mostly gone and smallpox is gone? VACCINES YOU SODDING TWAT

      2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
        check again.

  10. I honestly cant tell if this was a joke post or a serious one. If these are truly the reason why you would refuse to get your child vaccinated, you should really get your brain checked.

    1. Definitely a joke post made to look non-vaccinators look bad. Or as pathetic as it sounds, try to deter parents from not vaccinating their small children.

      Think about it… Small children getting loaded up with all that shit in there.

  11. What a pathetic piece of fake crap this page is, thanks google for directing me to this pointless piece of junk

  12. i still cant get over the fact that people are willing to risk their kids lives only to be part of an unpopular fad. like those parents that ended up killing their kid because they wanted to stick with natural remedies instead of going to the doctor. i don’t see how it could be worth your kids lives in the end, when you could have done something about it at any time. people only learn their lessons the hard way nowadays.

  13. This is poorly written and it comes with a lot of accusation and stereotyping of people who don’t vaccinate their children. It’s also incredibly biased and sarcastic about a serious subject. I’m sad for you.

    1. miriah, its not accusations and its not stereotyping when its well known fact. this is not a serious subject due to the delusional thinking of parents who don’t vaccinate. one side is backed by hard coded facts and the other side is nothing more than opinions given to people by celebrities who think they know more than the entire scientific community. if your willing to put your kids life at risk only because you want to be different and special then that’s your right (though it shouldn’t be), but know that good parents wouldn’t endanger their kids just so they can be part of an unpopular fad on the internet.

  14. What a pointless article. Could you reference any medical data? No. Could you provide an links to studies showing the safety and effectiveness of vaccines? No! Could you provide links to studies that the heavy metals in vaccines are excreted and do not end up in the brain? Again No.

    It’s funny how you call the anti-vaccinator a small minority, yet that minority is growing every day and they largely compromise of people who did vaccinate. The other part of the group are the most educated. This article is just reaffirming that the Tobacco Science of Vaccination is falling apart.

    1. yea that minority is not growing every day just because you say it is. id like you to link some real facts on the dangers of vaccines written by a doctor and not a bunch of bullshit opinions posted by your neighbor who wears a tinfoil hat. how sick can a person be to risk their kids lives just to be part of some fad. shameful isn’t the word for it. go ahead and give your kid a death sentence just so you can be a keyboard warrior, if your one of the ones that loses their child to an easily treatable disease because of your “belief” you will definitely show us one for in the end, wont you. whats worse is i would still feel sorry for you when/if that happens, but that will be something you will have to live with and deal with the rest of your life, the fact that your kid is dead for no reason other than you wanted to be part of a fad.

  15. Ok lets start with this comment… “Your infected child can infect a child who is too young to be vaccinated”… who says my child is infected in the first place? And in the instance of, lets say measles or rotavirus or chicken pox or flu, its more than likely they caught said infection from your child who had recently been vaccinated (because if you had read any vaccine inserts or any specific information yourself, you would understand that these particular vaccines are live and in turn can shed the disease for weeks after!). In turn, said infection can also be spread to vaccinated persons so what’s saving you? And a little FYI, I was never vaccinated so your comment “CAUSE YOUR PARENTS GOT YOU VACCINATED” is flat out ridiculous. Im actually healthier than all the kids that did get vaccinated. I caught chicken pox at 5 (barely remember it, wasnt a big deal, mums friends all brought their kids around to catch it too – havent had it since!), had flu maybe once or twice in my whole life and rarely get sick.

    Next point, this whole post is totally ironic. What your preaching is that anti-vaxxers are stupid etc etc but at the end of the day, they’ve not sat down and “know more about vaccines from that one article you read online”. They’ve studied relentlessly reading endless studies, government produced information and read the damn vaccine inserts which tell you everything that was needed to decide against vaccinating a perfectly healthy child and turning them into a sickly or potentially deceased child. If you knew anything about this subject youd realise that your precious GP who studied for 8 years was barely taught anything about vaccines except that if they dont give them they dont get their monetary bonus lol.

    Honestly im not sure why Im writing this comment because I know it wont change your opinion, nor will it have any bearing on changing your terribly judgemental attitude. Im just sick of everyone having a brain-washed opinion on this subject that is lacking any truth or substance.

    Sending prayers for you and yours.

    1. So are you a doctor? Did you attend medical school? No you did not. You could never possibly be admitted to a medical school because you do not possess the intelligence to do so. Including undergrad and residencies, doctors spend 12-16 years studying science. They study physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, anatomy, organic chemistry, and on and on. All of these courses and concepts are required just to get into medical school. Once in medical school, you learn about every single cell in the human body and the way they chemically are derived and communicate with each other. You spend tens of thousands of hours studying the human body; including the chemical reactions that take place in it every second of everyday. You study all the drugs that are currently available, you study how and why drugs react in your body, how they are metabolized, and how they are excreted. You study disease, the pathology, the mechanism, the spread, and the prevention. You read thousands and thousands of research articles about the subject and you are a part of the 1% of the US population that fully understands what you are researching. So you’re saying that the opinion of the entire medical community, who combined have billions of hours of research, are worth less than the weight of fringe pseudoscientists and celebrities like Jenny McCarthy?

  16. One of the dumbest articles I’ve ever read. Moronic. Disgraceful. I hope one day you cry by yourself in your room when you realize how completely brainwashed you are.

  17. My beautiful daughter WILL 100% be vaccinated. It’s a stupid argument by inferior minds. Selfish minds in fact. Vaccines have wiped out deadly diseases, in many cases, WORLDWIDE! What in the hell is the problem here? Deadly diseases had wiped out millions of helpless children before vaccines. We are fighting back. Making our goddamn DNA stronger when some people want to be ignorant to the facts. Vaccines do not cause autism. Period. Childhood autism is up yet the dosage of current day vaccines are way down. Simple mathematics really! Vaccinate your friggin kids! S.C.I.E.N.C.E. FTW. Or maybe it’s common sense FTW! Lol best article ever btw! Had me rollin from the get!

  18. You begin with a preposterous sarcastic statement, when in fact people shouldn’t have to vaccinate their kids because of the basic tenet of medicine: first do no harm. It’s simply a matter of record that vaccines can and do cause serious, sometimes fatal injuries. Thousands of such injuries have been compensated by the national vaccine court – among them are Multiple Sclerosis, lupus, cardiac arrest, multi-organ failure, encephalitis and death. Health and Human Services maintains a Vaccine Injury Table, on which both the MMR and DTaP / Tdap vaccines are listed as a cause of brain inflammation, brain damage and potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.

    Parents certainly can recognize cause and effect in their children. Too often a mom will take her healthy infant or toddler in for a round of vaccines, and leave the office with an obviously sick child, later to state that they never got their baby back; that they lost their infant that day; that the terrible high-pitched scream of an encephalitic reaction began literally within minutes of vaccination, and the child woke the next morning having lost the ability to walk without falling down, or lost what vocabulary had been learned, or lost eye contact with his parents and siblings.

    This article is so far off base, it’s almost not worth mentioning. Almost.

    1. Screw off Shawn. Millions of people are vaccinated every year, so of course a few kids are gonna get sick, statistically it would be weird if they didn’t. coconuts falling on people’s heads kill more people per year than vaccines. And you never end a scientific argument with an argument based on ethos bitch

  19. The current CDC recommended vaccination schedule consists of 73 doses by 18 years old. 73! Back in the early 1980’s it was something like 7 vaccines total. I’m all about respecting research, but I don’t even have to look up anything, because it simply does not exist yet at this point in time. We are not far out enough in years and experience to say 73 doses of vaccines are safe on a human body, let alone a developing baby. To all the pro-vaccine die-hards out there, there’s all of this talk of “evidence” and “science,” but where are the studies done on kids to show that they lived to see another day past 20 years old after being injected with 73 doses of vaccines? Where is it? An absence of evidence does not always equal an absence of evidence.

    1. There have been literally thousands of studies!

      Every single vaccine goes through multiple tests for safety and efficacy before ever becoming part of the CDC schedule, and these studies are independently repeated and replicated.

      A simple Pubmed or google scholar search will bring up thousands of studies with just a few clicks.

      An ignorance of evidence does not equal a lack of evidence.

      1. You do realise that these “studies” you speak of are testing baccines against vaccines, which defeats the ourpose of testing because of ciurse youll get the answer you want when your testing against the same damn thing. There needs to be tests and studies done against placebos like all other testing.
        I love that all you people are so brainwasged by our governments and big pharma that you now cant think for yourselves anymore… just the way they want you, falling in line to them so they can do whatever it is they can to achieve their agenda!

  20. I am not against vaccination as such. What I am aginst, is reckless, forceful recommendations by ruthless physicians, who’s only aim is to fill their pockets, by scaremongering patients into being preventively vaccinated, After a personal bad experience, I have come to the conclusion, that vaccinations do cause health problems, which can result in various forms of disability, and in some cases even in death. Therefoe, preventive vaccinations should only be applicated after a full health check of each child, or adult, and at safe time intervals between various types of vaccination, so as to minimize the risk of cusing harm.

  21. Thank you, Mary. It pisses me off that so many people echo the insane belief that vaccines are dangerous, when they have absolutely no basis for thinking so. I suppose you wisely decided to stay away from hinting at any political affirmations, so as not to turn off those who might be interested, but who also might be infected with a case of belonging to a certain political party. For them, the vaccine they fear most is a mixture of education & truth. They treat their disease with daily doses of delusion, until it’s an addiction. Even then, they suffer side effects, such as horrid, ghastly nightmares about sending their kids to the doctor, or to a school. But what can you expect? After all, in their eyes, the little cocksuckers aren’t fetuses anymore. Time to punish them for being born.

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