More Sewing…
Okay, so my dog ate my camera… well… the memory card anyway 😛
How conveeenient 🙂 hehe that way I don’t have to show you all my sewing! I have been working on a dress for Hal. I know it will be so bad that I will be too embarrassed to let her wear it, but hey… you have to start somewhere, right?
I made my first thing ever earlier today… a bag! haha it is so tiny, and you can hardly put everything in it, but when I got done with it Halle was the happiest little girl I have ever met, and she just wanted to carry around EVERYTHING in it! Soooo…. I let her! hehe it made me feel good just to know that she loves me so much that no matter WHAT I make, it is beautiful enough for her to carry around. 🙂
I will see if I can find my smaller memory card soon and get some dern pics up!