Netflix’s ‘Operation Christmas Drop’ Was Far To Cheesy For Me To Enjoy
Tis the season for all things cheesy on T.V. Oh how I wish it wasn’t true. Call me a Scrooge. But it’s true.

I jumped on the Netflix Top Ten today to see if anything was worth giving a try, and a new original Netflix movie, Operation Christmas Drop, was on. And with it being in the #2 spot, why not?
I know about the actual Operation Christmas Drop that happens each year and think that it is an incredible event for an incredible cause. So seeing that adapted in a movie had me a little enticed. Along with Kat Graham, who I have loved since Vampire Diaries.
So first off, if I’m watching a new Christmas themed romance, I know to expect Hallmark Channel vibes. You know, the girl is uptight and all business-like. The boy is all about love and caring. He woos her, brings her back into small town mentality. They live happily ever after. Same storyline, different movie title.
So of course, it was all of that. And it was a little too hard on the cheese. Even the acting seemed worse than usual. But then let’s talk about the main man. The one we’re supposed to be swooning over.
Alexander Ludwig is the leading man that wins the heart of Erika, the main character. So of course, they put a shirtless scene in to hype him up, made him extra cute with kids. Tried to force us to like him.
But all I see is that punk kid from Hunger Games that tries to kill Katniss. And I can’t un-see it. I couldn’t like him. I tried.
This movie is a hard pass for me. It was too cheesy ad the main guy just wasn’t doing it for me. And that really stinks because I loved the premise of the movie. What are you thoughts? Let us know below.