The Surgeon General Has Issued A Warning: “This Week, It’s Going to Get Bad” And Is Asking People to Stay Home
Is it really that hard to listen? The Surgeon General has given a dire warning to America.

The Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams has said that this week everything is going to get worse. Not enough people are taking it seriously and it has taken a toll.
I want America to understand this week, it’s going to get bad.
Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams

The virus is spreading because people will not listen! Especially young people. We are being told we need to stay home and if we MUST go out that we need to practice social distancing.
Right now, there are not enough people out there who are taking this seriously.
Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams

For some reason, young people think this is a virus that affects the old and those with weak immune systems. That is not true. It is affecting young people too. People that are normally healthy.
They are still going to the beaches, still hanging out at the malls. In fact, people that still decided to go to Florida for spring break are testing positive. I wonder why?
Jam-packed on a beach partying is NOT social distancing. People are also still hitting the California beaches. STOP IT! Stay home!

Everyone needs to act as if they have the virus right now. So, test or no test, we need you to understand you could be spreading it to someone else. Or you could be getting it from someone else. Stay at home.
Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams
Is it really that hard? If we all would have worked together from the start, by taking 2 weeks to stay home things could have been a lot different. But no, people get ‘bored’. Sorry that you are bored, but stay home!
The sooner we work together, the faster we can get through this!
The way you stop the spread of an infectious disease like this is with mitigation measures and preventing people from getting it in the first place.
Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams