Parents Are Making ‘Necessities Bags’ For Their Teens To Save Them From Unexpected Events
I love a good life hack, even if I don’t know where it originally began.

Sometimes the very best hacks are passed down from person to person, and we are just lucky if we get to be part of the conversation!

This is one of those hacks.
Now, when I was in school, every single girl in the building carried a purse. Those purses were packed to the brim with anything and everything we might ever even possibly consider needing.

Nowadays, apparently carrying a purse isn’t really a “thing.”
I would completely hyperventilate if I didn’t have my purse with me at all times, but I guess the girls these days are too cool for them?

I tried to get my teenage daughter to carry a purse, and she flat refused. She says she doesn’t need one, and she doesn’t want to be the only one at school carrying around an extra bag from class to class.
But, there are certainly things she might need on a daily basis. Emergencies come up, and I don’t want her to be left high and dry in the necessities department.

That is where this little hack comes into play.
I went to Target — aka my happy spot — and picked her up a simple makeup bag.

In this bag, I placed anything and everything that I could think she would need in an emergency situation.
Now, I’m not talking about an “emergency” like a car wreck. I’m talking about those times when the unexpected happens.
It’s a bag for when life throws you lemons, and instead of screaming FML!! you grab your emergency bag and get your sh*t taken care of.

I filled her emergency bag with feminine pads, Advil, a small brush, a couple scrunchies, travel size dry shampoo, deodorant, mint-flavored gum, travel-sized Kleenex, a nice pen, a small pad of paper, and an extra pair of clean underwear.
You know, all the emergency stuff I carry in my purse.

She can slip this little bag into her backpack, and discreetly take it to school. It’s there when she needs it.
What’s more, if her friends need anything, they know they can come to her for help. We just restock the emergency bag when she gets home.

If your daughter is too cool to carry a purse, just put her together one of these bags.
You can totally make an emergency bag to go in a boy’s backpack, too. Wouldn’t want to leave them out!

Just switch up what you put in the guy’s bag. Maybe deodorant, a couple bucks in change, gum, bandaids, a pen, and a small notebook.
Trust me, this hack will be a lifesaver one day when your kid is sitting in class and the unexpected happens!