You Can Get An Adult Size Armored Bionic Skin T-Rex Costume and It Is Incredible
If this isn’t every dinosaur lovers dream, then I don’t know what else it could be…I mean other than dinosaurs roaming the earth again. This is a bionic T-Rex costume that fits an adult!

This is more than just another dinosaur costume! The bionic T-Rex is weaponized! I’m not even kidding y’all! Could you imagine walking the streets in this thing?
Check out this video of it in action! Absolutely amazing!
This adult-size T-Rex costume has a clownfish skin withs light armor on its head, neck, and spine.

It comes fully equipped with Gatling guns that shoot safe water bullets and nerf gun loads with soft sponge bullets! This is like the most awesome thing ever! I mean I already thought I was a badass but in this… I would be invincible!

It does take someone way more mobile than me to actually wear this thing though. Once you are inside the dinosaur suit you have to also wear 40cm tall stilts to walk. I am way to broken for all of that.

Inside there are shooting buttons so that you can fire the Gatling guns and work the body of the T-Rex. It also sprays smoke from the mouth as shown in the video above, and the eyes light up red!

I think it goes without saying that this beast is not cheap! He will set you back around $7,590.00, but he does ship for free!
If I had the money to spare, I would totally buy this for my family! You can get yours from Mcsdino on Etsy! What do you think?