Today Is A Great Day For All Our Daughters To See, Knowing They Can Be Anything
Today will be a day that will go down in the history books.

Today, girls everywhere will know that they can be anything they want to be.
It’s time to break out those chucks and dust off those pearls because ladies, this is our time to shine.

Today the world will remember when we not only inaugurated our first female Vice President but also a woman of color.
No matter where you stand politically, having a woman of color and a daughter of immigrants in this position, is historical.
Our daughters will know that there are no limits to who they can be.
No limits based on their gender or color of their skin.
No limits on what they can do and the people can be involved with.
Our daughters will forever know that January 20, 2021 everything changed for them.
I am proud to raise my daughter to know that she can be anyone or anything she chooses and not a single thing can stop her.

So let this be the day that is forever known that women are just as capable, and smart as men and that is powerful.
Today Is A Great Day For All Our Daughters To See, Knowing They Can Be Anything!