This Newborn Baby Has Become The Youngest Person In The World To Test Positive For Coronavirus
A newborn baby has officially tested positive for the Coronavirus in London, England.

This is the youngest known person in the world to have been infected by the virus.
The baby’s mother was rushed to the hospital with suspected pneumonia, completely unaware that she had the virus.
The baby was tested within minutes of being born and is being treated for the virus.

Doctors are still unsure of whether the virus was contracted in the womb or during labor but they are doing everything to keep the baby as safe as they can during this time.

A source said:
“Staff in contact with both patients have been advised to self-isolate. Health officials are urgently trying to find out the circumstances behind their infections.”

The mother and child are currently being treated in separate hospitals. The mother was transferred to a specialist infections hospital while the baby is being treated in an isolation room at the hospital it was birthed in.

Updates on the mother and child are currently unknown but we wish them both the absolute best and hope they both come through this and live a happy and healthy life.

Regardless of what WHO thinks, I consider this plague a global pandemic. This is also considering the adverse effect on the global economy.