Hassle-Free Meal Planner & Shopping List ~ Free Printable
Sometimes, meal planning can feel like an uphill battle, but this hassle-free meal planner & shopping list (it’s a free printable meal planner, by the way) makes all that a walk in the park.
Now, when I meal plan, it’s a one-stop shop for thinking it all up, writing it down, and then getting the goods.
Bam, bang, pop! And I’m home from the grocery store making meals for the week!
Hassle-Free Meal Planner & Shopping List ~ Free Printable
Between my kids being picky eaters, my husband not really being that much better, and me being, well, also a kind of picky eater, meal planning is not always the easiest task ever.
And then, if it’s just too overwhelming, I just don’t do it.
Which is ridiculous.
Because we all know that you eat healthier, cheaper and so much EASIER–if you’ll just do the meal planning.
Now, I know that I need to do it. That’s not what I’m saying, obviously.
But if it’s hard–I’m a wuss and I wimp-out.
Then it’s Big Macs and bags of chips.
Totally not ok. But what choice do I have?
Oh, yeah, that’s right. Make the meal planning easier.
So I did.
I made this little Hassle-Free Meal Planner & Shopping List ~ Free Printable.
That’s right.
And then I tested it out before I brought it over here, because I love you and I’m not going to bring you something that doesn’t work.
Why bother?
Basically, it asks the questions like “what do you want for dinner on Thursday” and then snack, lunch, breakfast, Monday, Wednesday, etc.
You get the picture, right?
You answer them, with whatever comes to mind.
Then you go looking in your pantry and figure out what you’ve got and what you don’t.
You write down what you need on the handy-dandy little shopping list, then whip out the scissors.
Snip snip and to the store we go.
Come back from the store then make the meals you planned.
So easy.
So easy, in fact that you need to just plan on either printing 52 of them for the year–or make sure to pin this post so you can come back to it each week.
Because you’re going to want this Hassle-Free Meal Planner & Shopping List ~ Free Printable (that you can download HERE) every week.
Dude. It’s amazing.