Here’s What Punxsutawney Phil’s Prediction is for the Rest of Winter
If you feel anything like me, you are ready for the warmer weather. Just how long do we have until then? Well, today is Groundhog Day and Here’s What Punxsutawney Phil’s Prediction is for the Rest of Winter.

Groundhog Day is traditionally February 2nd every year and it marks the day when a Groundhog named Phil either does or doesn’t see his shadow.
It is also the name of a really good movie starring Bill Murray.
Based on what he see’s, we use it to determine whether we will have a longer winter or an early spring.
Sounds silly that we have a groundhog tell us what to expect but it’s been a tradition that many people love.
If Groundhog Phil see’s his shadow due to clear weather, we are in for a longer winter.
If he instead doesn’t see his shadow, it’s supposed to mean an early spring.
This year, Phil didn’t see his shadow.
So, since he didn’t see his shadow it is said we are in for an early spring!
Is this actually accurate? No.
Phil has only been right about 40% of the time over the last 10 years but it is still fun and you can’t blame me for wishful thinking, right? Ha.