I think I spent way less time watching the Olympics than I should…
Okay, so the Olympics came and gone, and I am feeling totally guilty that I didn’t get into them this year. In the past I have always spent tons of time watching getting excited to watch people win gold, and loving them. But I sat down a couple of times and I just couldn’t get into them. I mean, I didn’t even jump on the Phelps bandwagon… (which is a very cool bandwagon that I WISH I had watched more of)
Now I am kind of sad that I missed it all, I mean sure I could go back and watch them… but I know what happens, and I won’t be watching it with the rest of the world. I almost think that is why I wasn’t very into it. I hated that the time differences were so big and that a lot of the cool stuff we were watching was pre-recorded, etc. By the time we got to see a lot of the stuff I had already read about it elsewhere.
The internet really added a different dynamic to the Olympics this year…