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Jif’s New Squeezable Pouch Helps You Always Have Peanut Butter Ready To Spread On Everything

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I may be a little more excited about this than most people! Jif is going to be releasing peanut butter that is in a squeezable pouch! This is actually pretty freaking brilliant!


Most people are probably excited because it will make throwing together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich even easier than it already is.

Also, it will be super easy to pack to bring for camping trips as well as road trips. Heck, need a quick snack, squeeze that sucker right into your mouth!


Imagine how easy it would be to add peanut butter to smoothies! No need to dirty a spoon, just squeeze it right in! Want some peanut butter coffee? Squeeze it in.


Want to dress up that chocolate ice cream with peanut butter? Squeeze it on as a topping. Ohhhh, add it to your oatmeal!

Jif lovers enjoy their Jif in a variety of ways – in smoothies and snacks, as a key ingredient in cooking and baking, or even eating it ‘straight up’ with a spoon. With our new squeezeable pouch, we’re making it even easier and quicker for Jif lovers everywhere to get their Jif fix.

Rebecca Scheidler, vice president, marketing for the Jif Brand, said in a press release

Want to know why I think it is so awesome? My dogs! I can throw this in my training bag and squeeze it out while training as a high-value reward! Fantastic! Also, it will make filling Kongs and other dog toys a breeze!


It will be in a 13-ounce pouch that is easy to use.

The Jif Squeeze Creamy Peanut butter will be available online from Amazon as well as in stores like Target at the beginning of July 2020! I can not wait! I know, I’m a total nerd about things like this.


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