
Krispy Kreme Is Releasing Halloween Donuts and You Can Get One Free. Here’s How.

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Welcome witches and ghouls, today is officially the first day towards the countdown to Halloween and to start that countdown, Krispy Kreme is announcing their own line of spooky doughnuts come next Monday.

Starting Monday, October 5th, doughnut lovers will be able to sink their teeth in Krispy Kreme’s new haunted sweets and I personally, couldn’t think of a better way to start off the month other than eating their world famous doughnuts.


Not only is Krispy Kreme introducing an entire new line of Halloween doughnuts, but they’re also beginning a promotion starting every Saturday throughout the entire month; they’re calling it, Sweet-or-Treat Saturdays.


Here are the details; Krispy Kreme is offering $1 dollar dozen doughnuts when you buy any other dozen.

So when you buy one dozen, you can get Frank, Drake, and Wolfie (the new line of doughnuts) to share with friends, family or just for yourself for only $1.

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

Werewolves, Vampires and Frankenstein all have had bad reps, but these three amigos are anything but scary, just sweet!

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

The colorfully bright green Frankenstein doughnut is for anyone who is an all time fan of Frankenstein’s previous work in many Halloween movies; plus, he’s filled with Original Kreme and complete with pretzels sticks for bolts and hair for sprinkles

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

Meanwhile, Drake the Vampire is stuffed with Raspberry filling which makes sense since his main source of food is blood and Wolfie the Werewolf is well, a simpler guy.

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

Wolfie may have zero filling and only pure dough in the inside but he is dipped with chocolate icing.

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

Since Halloween is all about sharing with others, Krispy Kreme has one more trick up their sleeve.

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

Any individual who visits participating locations while wearing a costume on October 31st, will receive one free doughnut of their choosing. Thanks Krispy Kreme, you’re the best but let’s just keep that between you and I!

Courtesy of Krispy Kreme

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