You Can Get Lightsaber Chopsticks For A Force That Is Strong With Mealtime
May The Force Be With You as you shove that sushi in your face!

These are the coolest things EVER! And, y’all, they come in tons of different colors. Gah!

Amazon has Lightsaber Chopsticks, and I need them in my life NOW. There are 4 members of my family, so I’ll need at least 8 pair. Ha!

The battery is replaceable with a camera battery, so they aren’t a one-and-done kinda chopstick. These guys are going to last light years!

Now, don’t get all technical. Yes, these are bigger than normal chopsticks. They aren’t meant to replace your fancy pair of chopsticks, these are FUN.

They are, afterall, freaking lightsabers! You get to eat your food with the coolest weapons in the galaxy!

Each pair will run you less than eleven bucks, and you can get them in colors like blue, red, purple, and green.

You can get your Lightsaber Chopsticks right on the Amazon website.

Side Note: My daughter just saw this post, and has threatened me within and inch of my life if I don’t get her the purple Lightsaber Chopsticks. Ha!