Oreo’s New Genius Packaging Helps You Cleverly Disguise Your Oreos To Keep Them Safe From Others
As wonderful as Oreos are, sometimes it’s hard to keep your hands on them. Sometimes you just don’t want to share…

Oreo has heard our cries for help and is here to help us out now with secretive packaging. Oh yes, this is totally a thing.
Don’t want anyone to steal your Oreos? Stick them on your bookshelf!
Your cookies are all yours and others won’t have the temptation to steal them from you, because they won’t know that they exist!
Nobody will want to steal rice from you, so now you can chill your Oreos safely in the refrigerator or freezer without the fear of someone stealing them.
These are going to be limited edition, so to get your hands on this fun packaging, you’ll need to start searching now!