I Am So Sad I Won’t See My Family on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is next week and honestly, I am dreading it.

You see, each year, we spend Thanksgiving with family. My husband’s grandparents go all out to make a delicious turkey and gather all of the family around to enjoy a delicious feast.

It’s truly one of my favorite times of the year. But this year, it will be different.
This year we will spend Thanksgiving with just the 5 of us and while on one hand I am excited to start a new tradition, I am also sad to be missing out on the old ones.

This year I will miss out on getting a sliver of grandpa’s famous turkey neck that everyone fights over.
I’ll miss grandma’s famous pumpkin pie fresh out of the oven.

I will even miss those hard to have conversations and debates that seem to always be brought up in conversation over dinner.
Most of all, I’ll miss those warm gentle hugs as we say our goodbyes.

Truly I’ll miss it all and it breaks my heart knowing my kids are missing out on those memories too.
But, I am hopeful it will be okay.
I keep telling myself that this is just one year. One year to get through one of the hardest times in our lives and if we can get through this, hopefully next year we can come back better than ever.

If this year being home and keeping my loved ones safe means I get to enjoy Thanksgiving with family for many more years to come then it’ll all be worth it.
So, let me tell you, if you’re sad about missing Thanksgiving with family this year, you’re not alone.
I feel your sadness. I feel your pain.
This virus sucks and it’s okay to be sad about it.