Here’s How You Can See How Much You Spent on Amazon Last Year
I am about to ruin your day – sorry about that!

Did you know that you can easily see how much you spent over the past year on Amazon?

Sure, you may not want to know but if you are actively trying to see where all your money goes, budget and get on top of your finances, it’s likely that you want to know about your Amazon habit.

So, get ready to be sick to your stomach…
Here’s How You Can See How Much You Spent on Amazon Last Year
First, login to your Amazon account and then click on the button that has your name that says “Hello, [Your Name] Accounts and Lists”. Like click the actual button and not the drop down.

It will bring you to a page like this:

On the left side under “Ordering and Shopping Preferences” click “Download order reports”.

Now on the right side of the screen click “Last Year (2020)”

It will auto change the start and end dates and then click “Request Report”.
It will begin thinking, give it a few minutes to get all of it together.

Once it is done, it will send you an email that will look like this:

Click the link in the email for your report and download it to your computer.
The file will download in a .CSV file which will either open in an Excel spreadsheet or Numbers for Mac users.
The file will contain every single purchase by date, name of the item, amount spent, etc.
Scroll to the right until you see the column that says “Item Total”. This is the amount you finally spent on each item (including taxes and shipping).

Now scroll all the way down to the bottom of that column and use the sum function to total up that column. If you are using Numbers, you click into the cell after the last amount then click “insert” then “sum”.

WOWZA! I spent $4,347.33 for 2020. In all honesty, it’s less than I expected but still!!

Once you get your total, this is a good time to reevaluate that Amazon Prime Membership.

Or, if you are a business owner, this is an easy way to download your purchases for the year to claim for taxes.
You’re welcome and I hope I didn’t ruin your day too much!