Here’s Why You Should Not Buy Straw Bales From Retail Stores
It’s beginning to look a lot like fall and even retail stores have supported that conclusion.

You might have noticed the stacks of straw stocking up on retail store shelves and while it may be tempting to grab a few bales to complete the autumn look in your home, here’s why you should resist that urge of temptation.

Thanks to Rustic Marine who published a PSA on social media about purchasing straw bales, retail stores such as Walmart are selling nine inch straw bales for nearly $7 while local farmers are selling even larger straw bales for a lesser price!

Farmers who are selling homegrown straw bales have worked incredibly long hours to produce their product and are selling it for a lot less too, says Rustic Marine.

A nine inch straw bale that would cost you $7 at Walmart versus a local farmer who can give you a 40×20 inch homegrown straw bale for just $5, according to Rustic Marine’s PSA post on Facebook.

The PSA also mentioned that an ear of corn that costs a dollar at the store is selling for 50 cents from the farmer down the street who also grows them organically and picks them by hand too.

So when you’re decorating your porch this fall or the corner of your living room, remember to support your local farmers too!