Why is it…

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Okay, so why is it that when my daughter is at my mom’s house I think that is my cue to stay up ALL NIGHT long… I am such a total dork… I just stayed up the whole night… and am apparently so incoherent that I can’t even make sense on my blog and am instead just rambling mindlessly. That make for some good time blog readin’ I am sure!

Okay… no more rambling for me…..

oh yeah… I watched a great show last night! Ugly Betty! It was adorable. Absoultely adorable, and I totally loved it! I hope that it becomes a super big hit, I am scared it could go either way! It was kinda like Buffy (TV Buffy not movie Buffy) I mean there weren’t vamps or anything… but there was that whole new world to be discovered by naive kid who is kinda made for it thing….

come on people next cult hit! UGLY BETTY!

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  1. I so know what you mean about Ugly Betty. I love it!! It was soo cool. I hope it ends up being a great show. It kinda made me think of myself in the same awkward way. Only because I am a big DORK!!

  2. I had the same thought Dorothy…”clut hit”? lol

    Go to bed Jamie. 🙂

  3. I’m not brave enough to blog when I haven’t had sleep!
    and umm… what’s a “clut hit”????