Why I am okay with the bailout…
Well, many of you know I am all about the government helping those in need, and making sure those less fortunate have a place to sleep and a warm meal in their belly. But, I have to be honest here… I am a little pissed off that the government is stepping in to help these companies right now, I mean DUDE… YOU took the risk, why should we cover your asses, huh?
But, I am okay with the bailout and let me tell you why… I think the market will right its self faster with it, and my house will sell quicker. That’s right people… I am okay with the bailout for completely selfish reasons, and that is all. I just want to live closer to my parents in a new house, and I feel like with the market looking like it does right now there is absolutely no way I will be able to for a long long time… BUT if the government steps in, then MAYBE I can move houses, and that, my friends is the only reason I am cool with this bailout. Well, I guess it isn’t the END of the world… in fact, it is probably a good thing, and hell when Roosevelt made the New Deal it fixed tons of stuff, so here’s hoping this New New Deal turns out half as well as Roosevelt’s did. I have decided to remain optimistic. We will come out on top AND everything will be okay. But for now, I will just think about all this tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day…