Amber Heard’s New PR Team Just Gave Us An Updated Statement About The Trial This Week. Here’s What They Said.
Last week we saw a break in the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial.

This week, the two are back in court and this week is all about cross examinations.
A few weeks back we told you that we were contacted from Amber Heard’s new PR team and they issued a statement at that time. You can read that here.

Now that court is back in session this week, we have a new updated statement from her PR team.

The email’s headline reads:
Statement: Spokesperson for Amber Heard

The email begins saying:
As the Depp v. Heard trial resumes today at 9 a.m. ET, please see below for a statement you may use in your reporting. We expect Amber’s cross to begin later today after her direct wraps.

It continues…
Also linked here is a document from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), a publicly available resource for determining the core aggressor in relationships where domestic violence exists, which may also be helpful to cite in your reporting.
“There’s an old saying by trial lawyers: when the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When the facts are not on your side, pound away on the podium. Today, we expect Depp’s attorneys will instead pound away on the victim. We fear it will be equal parts shameful and desperate. And, the overwhelming evidence — the truth — is not on Depp’s side.

And the email finishes by saying:
The one thing we suspect Depp’s attorneys will avoid is the central issue of this trial: does Amber or any woman have the First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech.”
— Spokesperson for Amber Heard
If you have any questions, please reach out.

Well, okay then.
Looks like things are already off to a rough start this week.