An Update on the Book

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superheropaperdollMany of you have been emailing/twittering/facebooking/InsertRandomSocialNetworkHere-ing me about the status of my book- so I thought I would just cover it all in one big blog post.

I’m still actively querying it, and receiving requests from agents to read it, so that’s a good thing for sure. I haven’t heard back recently from anything I have out, so that is kind of stressful, but also kind of cool. I’m kind of hoping that they all come back and tell me how much they love it. Let’s face it- that would be about the coolest thing EVER, right?

I am still looking for teens to read the book, so if you’re a teenager that wants to read a YA novel about a sixteen year old super villian chick, then please email me at I would love to hear from you!

So, I guess right now Sketch is basically in a bit of a holding pattern. I will still be combing through it and trying to make sure it engages the reader, doesn’t have any typos, etc. But- I really like it for now. I have big plans to start something else soon… but it’s taking a LOT of research because I am just in love with the genre I want to write- I don’t really know too much about it.

So for now… let’s just all cross our fingers that some agent falls madly in love with Sketch McGee and we get to see her on the shelves of our favorite local bookstore some day!

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One Comment

  1. Hi 🙂
    Thank you for a great blog post.
    Sketch McGee sounds intriguing.
    I really enjoy yo-
    *punch punch*
    *gets up*
    *wipes blood from face*
    *comes back*
    The Big Yellow Chicken came by. Where was I? Oh yes,
    I really enjoy your blog.
    Love from Canada
    .-= Rob Charron´s last blog ..RKCharron: @evannalynchx Is this the real Evanna? Q: What inspired you to audition for HP? =-.