Big Decisions and Why I Hate Making Them

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Buying a house is one of those things that is going to be with you for a long time. It’s super stressful, and I can’t belive we’re doing it again!

I love my current house, we just want a change of venue. Is that not the craziest reason ever to sell? I think that maybe it is.

Well, there are other reasons… but that is the main one.

I am pretty excited about it though, but I hate how you don’t know what’s going to happen. Like–will they take my offer? Won’t they?  Will the people purchasing my house suddenly change their minds and run away kicking and screaming?

Who knows.

This is such a tough decision, but I want to make the right one. I think I’ve found it, but there’s no way to be sure–and that’s just downright freak out time.

How do you make big decisions? Do you just go with your gut? Research? What?


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  1. How do I make major decisions? Hmmm…well:

    I research my brains out. I read everything I can about every possibility. I learn more about the situation than anyone probably should ever know.

    Then I go with my gut feeling.
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