This Deep Cleaning Checklist Is The Perfect Way To Ensure You Cleaned Every Inch Of Your Home

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Considering I’ve been home for 3 months, you’d think my house would be cleaner than it is. Quite the opposite, actually.

Some call it deep cleaning. Some call it torture — or maybe that’s just me. Whatever it is, it is the bain of my existence.

Clean House

I have friends who love cleaning. I am not one of these people. I have to keep lists I can check off, and then I have to have some kind of reward system for getting it all done. Just checking of items on the to do list does wonders for my soul.

Here is a basic list you can use to help with your cleaning adventure. Put on some good music, open the windows, and here we go.


  • In the pantry, throw out all the cans and foods that are expired.
  • Put all the appliances back where they go.
  • Clean the clutter of the counters.
  • Wipe down the walls, including backsplash and above the stove.
  • Clean the baseboards.
  • Clean out the microwave with a wet rag or cleaning cloth.
  • Wipe down the stove.
  • In the refrigerator, throw away all the expired food, and wipe down the shelves and walls.
  • Clean the junk off the table.
  • Wipe down the table.
  • Wipe down the counters with a cleanser.
  • Shine the sink.
  • Sweep the floor thoroughly.


  • Wipe down the walls, and anything on the walls (like picture frames).
  • Clean the baseboards.
  • Clean out under the sofa cushions, and down the sides and back of the sofa.
  • Get a broom and run it under the couch, cleaning out any toys or things that don’t belong.
  • Clean any tables using wood polish or windex if glass. Make sure to start with an inconspicuous, small spot to make sure you don’t get discoloration.
  • Sweep out the fireplace if applicable.
  • Wipe down the fireplace mantle if applicable.
  • Clean off and dust the television.
  • Wipe down any hutches or bookshelves you have in this room.
  • Make a giveaway pile for books and trinkets you don’t want anymore.
  • Wipe down blinds if you have them, or clean curtains.
  • Clean the windows with glass cleaner.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor thoroughly.


  • Wipe down the walls.
  • Clean the baseboards.
  • Wipe down the tub with cleanser.
  • Clean the grout in the tub using cleanser.
  • Clean any blinds or curtains.
  • Clean windows with glass cleaner.
  • Clean the toilet – under the lid, under the seat, the tops and sides, around the bottom, and the clean out the bowl. Bonus points if you put some kind of cleansing brick in the tank.
  • Scrub down the sink and counters with cleanser.
  • Sweep the floor thoroughly.
  • Shine all spouts and handles.


  • Clean papers off all surfaces, throwing them away if need be, or putting them where they go.
  • Get two laundry baskets. Fill one with things that belong in the kitchen or bathroom. Fill the other with all the things that are inevitably there from the children.
  • Wipe down the walls.
  • Wipe down the baseboards.
  • Hangup all clothes that belong hung up.
  • Fold and put away all clothes that belong in the drawers.
  • While you’re there, organize the drawers.
  • Dirty clothes go to the dirty clothes bin.
  • Wash sheets, blankets, and pillow cases.
  • Remake bed. Consider a linen spray on the fresh sheets.
  • Clean out under the bed.
  • Dust all dressers.
  • Wipe down television if applicable.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor.


  • If they are like my kids, take a deep breath, say a prayer, have a glass of wine, or whatever you have to do to prepare yourself.
  • All dirty clothes to the dirty clothes bin.
  • All clean clothes in a pile.
  • All toys to toy bins.
  • All crafts to a craft basket.
  • Wash the sheets and covers.
  • Remake the beds with fresh linens.
  • Wipe down walls.
  • Clean baseboards.
  • Throw away all trash.
  • Clean any blinds or curtains.
  • Wipe down windows with glass cleaner.
  • Clean out under the beds.
  • Wipe down and dust any dressers and shelves.
  • Make a giveaway pile for ANYTHING that must go.
  • Organize dressers.
  • Organize bookshelves.
  • Put clean clothes nicely back into the drawers.
  • Have a place for shoes, and put them there.
  • Scrape all unwanted stickers off furniture or walls.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor.


  • Organize the linen closet.
  • Throw away all medicines that have expired.
  • Sweep or vacuum hallway.
  • Take area rugs outside and beat the dust out of them.
  • Go through cabinet that holds the toiletries. Throw away anything that has expired, is broken, or you aren’t going to use.
  • Wipe down any and all doors, front and back.

This is is, by no means, a complete list. It is, however, a jumping off point. Happy cleaning!

Let us know know what else you would add to the list in the comments.

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  1. “Great blog! A deep cleaning checklist like this is a fantastic resource for homeowners looking to ensure every corner of their home is spotless. As a home service provider specializing in air duct cleaning, we know how important it is to maintain a clean and healthy living environment. Clean air ducts play a crucial role in improving indoor air quality and ensuring your home stays fresh and dust-free. Thanks for sharing these tips—definitely something we’ll recommend to our clients as part of their overall cleaning routine!”

  2. Your advice to declutter and organize appliances before starting the cleaning process is spot on. It’s amazing how much more efficient cleaning becomes when everything is in its place. Thanks for sharing this useful guide!