Earring Holder Hack
My ears are sensitive and sometimes when I’m wearing a pair of earrings, I realize I can’t make it through the whole day. Or sometimes I’m just tired of wearing earrings! More times than not, I’ve lost earrings by putting them in my purse. They disappear into the pocketbook vortex! The other day I was cleaning out a drawer and I saw an EarPod case and thought, “That would be perfect to hold earrings!” Boom! The Earring Holder Hack was born!
Watch this super short video and see how we use an EarPod case as a Earring Holder Hack!
What you need for the Earring Holder Hack:
- an Apple EarPods case
- small earrings
Here’s how:
1. Keep an EarPods case in your purse.
2. When you feel like taking off your earrings, put them inside the little cups for the earplugs. Close the lid and your are set!
You are so clever! You will never lose your earrings again!