The ‘Emily In Paris’ Season 3 Teaser Trailer Is Here And I’m Giddy
It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!! Emily In Paris is back, baby!! Well, almost.

The teaser trailer for Emily In Paris Season 3 just dropped, and it has me all up in my happy dance feels.

Of course, Emily has to make some tough decisions about several things after last season’s finale.

What will she decide? The trailer doesn’t give us any clues, but it makes us more antsy for answers!!

We do get a glimpse into the psyche of Emily. Turns out, she’s just like all of us. When she has a bad day, what does she do? She gives herself bangs — much to the chagrin of Mindy!! *Been There, Done That* *Cringe*

They’re just bangs! Okay? Sometimes people cut bangs when everything’s fine.
Emily In Paris

This season is going to be FIRE!!

Between the fashion, the plot line, Paris, the hot guys — I can’t freaking wait for Season 4!

See the teaser trailer for Emily in Paris below.