A Former TMZ Employee Says They Were Tipped off To Get Pictures of Amber Heard’s Alleged Abuse
In the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial, a witness is explaining what happened when pictures were taken of Amber Heard’s alleged abuse.

Earlier today we saw that a spokesperson for TMZ tried to get the upcoming TMZ witness thrown out and the judge denied the request.

Former TMZ employee, Morgan Tremaine, who worked as a field assignment manager was called to testify.

His testimony was to include information about the time when Amber Heard went to the courthouse to file for a restraining order claiming Johnny Depp had abused her.
Basically, he painted the picture that they were tipped off and hinted at it being Amber herself that alerted the paparazzi.

When asked about the copyright and how TMZ obtains it, his answer was:
The only way to obtain copyright over media is if we shot it ourselves or it was sent to the tip line and owned by the copyright owner. Or if it was given by the copyright owner from a direct source.

This is important because the timeline would point out that Amber alerted the paparazzi herself and wanted to set it up to make it look like Johnny Depp abused her and wanted the world to see it that way.

When Amber’s attorneys tried to say he was testifying for his “15 mins of fame”, Morgan threw it back saying, he could ask her the same thing and that was not true.

He explained wasn’t gaining anything from testifying and is actually in danger of getting in trouble from TMZ for his testimony.