The Geminids Meteor Shower Will Peak Soon, Here’s How You Can Watch!
Not only do we have a super rare event happening this month with Jupiter and Saturn, but we also have the Geminids meteor shower happening right now!
The Geminids meteor shower is like this amazing and natural holiday light show that happens every December. In fact, it is one of the most active meteor showers of 2020!
One reason that this year is so over the top amazing is that the new moon coincides with the Geminids meteor showers peak! This means that there is no competing with the light from the moon, which gives us a better viewing opportunity.
This meteor shower first started appearing in the 1800s and has since grown into one of the best meteor showers. Each year there are more and more meteors, making for a remarkable showing in the sky.
The Geminids are active right now, but the best time for viewing is on the days that it peaks. You can actually view the shower from December 4th-20th, 2020.
You’ll want to go somewhere where you can avoid light pollution. Try to get out and away from the city and other bright sources of light.
You’ll also need to give your eyes time to adjust to the dark, so make sure to get ready about 30 minutes before the peak time. Dress warm, get comfortable, kick back, relax and watch the show!
The Geminids meteor shower will peak on December 13-14th, 2020. You don’t need any special equipment to watch a meteor shower either! The best time to view is at 2:00 AM, your local time, all across the world.