You Can Give This Netflix Romance A Hard Pass If You Want To Stay Happy
WHY Netflix, why?! There was SO much promise to one of the new films released this week, just to make me want to turn off the TV.

The Last Letter From Your Lover just released onto Netflix and I was ALL for it. It had total Nicholas Spark vibes.

I’ve also seen the other movie based off of Jojo Moyes Book, Me After You, so seeing another movie from one of her books sounded appealing.

I was also VERY prepared to be depressed after what they did to us in THAT movie. But that’s another story. This one though…it messed with me.

First off, we’re romanticizing an affair. That in itself puts a bad taste in my mouth. I get that marriages sometimes don’t work, but there are steps to take for that…

So we’re rooting for an affair with a man she barely knows. There’s a car accident, a convenient memory swipe, a rekindling, another separation, and essentially both people end up alone for the majority of their lives.

They end up together at the VERY end of the movie, at the near end of their lives and live a short happily ever after. But there’s just not much satisfying about it.

And then they try to throw in a modern day romance on top of it that’s awkward from the start and even more boring. I don’t know how much worse I can talk about this film, but please…don’t waste your time.