Here’s How Netflix Is Going To Stop You From Sharing Your Password
So, we know that Netflix is putting an end to password sharing.

A move that is expected to happen in March of this year.

But, how exactly are they going to know if you are sharing your password?

If you have spent any time on your Facebook feed, you have probably seen all the people saying that there is no way that Netflix is ever going to know if you are sharing your password.

I hate to burst anyone’s bubble. They can totally tell, and here’s how.
According to CBS News, Netflix is going to use IP addresses and device IDs to determine a person’s geographic location.

After they figure out where you live, they can tell if anyone outside of your house is using your password to watch the streaming service.

Only people in your immediate household will be able to use your Netflix password. Everyone else is out of luck.

If you’re watching on a TV, it’ll provide exactly where you are — They only want people in your household, at your address, watching.
Sarah Saril, Insider reporter

You might be wondering, what happens if you are traveling, and watching Netflix on your computer, phone, or iPad?

They will simply have you verify your account before you can watch.

When a device outside of your household signs in to an account or is used persistently, we may ask you to verify that device before it can be used to watch Netflix.
Netflix FAQs
So basically, you won’t be able to share your password with users outside of your house. And, YES. They will be able to tell.