Johnny Depp May Be Returning To ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ And I Am Freaking Out
Oooh! The rumor mill is going crazy!!

And, this rumor is about Johnny Depp, so you KNOW it’s good.
We are over here crossing our fingers and toes — throwing up all the good juju vibes in hopes that this one turns out to be truth.

According to a blog by American Idol Highlights, Johnny Depp is coming back as Captain Jack Sparrow.
Disney is frantic for Depp!
American Idol Highlights
Coming off the high of his win in court against Amber Heard in the defamation trial heard round the world, Johnny Depp is hotter than ever!!
#JusticeForJohnnyDepp is still going strong on just about every social media platform out there. People on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and even Reddit are all getting onboard with the hashtag reserved for Johnny.
During the trial, Johnny Depp made the comment that he would never do another Pirates film.
The fact is, Mr. Depp, if Disney came to you with $300 million and a million alpacas, nothing on this earth would get you to go back and work with Disney on a Pirates of the Caribbean film? Correct?
Rottenborn, Amber Heard’s lawyer
But, I choose not to believe that. I’ll be over here covering my eyes and ears.

Some hilarious fan even brought alpacas to his trial to help cheer him up. Maybe it was a bid to coax him back to the Captain Jack Sparrow role?
Is Johnny Depp Returning As Captain Jack Sparrow?
Supposedly, if rumors can be believed, Disney is planning on paying Johnny Depp $301 million to return to the role he perfected. That would be just over the $300 million that he said he wouldn’t take.
Now, if this rumor is true, he would be paid a HECK of a lot more than he’s ever made on any Pirates movie to date.
For comparison, Johnny was set to be paid $22.5 million for Pirates of the Caribbean 6 before the whole trial thing went down.
Now, let’s get real. It is highly possible that this rumor is not true. BUT, I want to believe it’s true in my heart and soul.
I can’t even imagine that anyone could replace Johnny Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.
It has been said that either Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) or Margot Robbie is going to jump in to fill the GIANT shoes set by Depp for Pirates 6.
Let’s just get together and hope beyond all odds that Disney comes to their senses, and Johnny Depp will return to the role he made EPIC.