Kanye Finally Did Interviews On Keeping Up With The Kardashians!
The Kardashians have been on the air talking about their lives since like, before my kid was born, but one thing that has always remained a constant was that Kanye never did interviews and very rarely appeared on camera.

Until last night’s season premiere! Last night he sat right next to Kimmy and gave interviews like a boss!

Why is he doing the interviews? Well, he told us right there in the interview. He said he’d been watching The Incredibles and they started off doing interviews, and Kanye decided his family was just like them, and they were just going to keep going until they could finally fly.

Oh, Kanye. We just love how crazy you are. I mean, at least Kim does.

Oh, and he didn’t JUST do interviews. He also talked about his life, his family, and even some stuff having to do with friends from back home. He also compared his wife’s butt to Elastigirl’s butt.

Which is a fair comparison, I think.
It was like he’s actually a part of the show.

And, while I am excited to finally see more Kanye in the shows, I don’t really know how to feel about this. I mean, I have always loved Scott on the Kardashians, but he’s really the only guy on there I’ve ever really been able to tolerate.

Oh, and they dropped another HUGE BOMBSHELL this first episode, too. Kim and Kanye are having ANOTHER BABY.

Oh, and it’s a BOY! They kept it quiet, but North almost spoiled the beans. She told all the kids at school that she’s having a baby brother.

Oh North, you so cute.