
The Trigger Warning The New Dumbo Movie Needs

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The new Dumbo live action movie is getting mixed reviews, but one thing most people can agree on is, if adoption is a touchy topic for you, then a trigger warning is needed.

The new Dumbo movie is an emotional movie that touches on a triggering topic

If you have a child that has dealt with losing their parents or family in any way, then you need to tread very carefully with the new DUMBO movie.

Or at the very least go in to the movie prepared.

dumbo flying around the circus tent in the new Disney Dumbo movie

Disney is no stranger to immediately killing off the parents in their movies and making the story all about the children overcoming the hardship of losing their parents and fighting past that. (I still have to fast forward through the stampede scene in the Lion King. I just do.)

Disney's new Dumbo movie addresses emotional and challenging topics

But, DUMBO is particularly rough on those who have experienced a loss because of how that loss is handled, and how Dumbo is treated based on his loss.

Watching Disney's new Dumbo movie could be triggering for those who have dealt with loss

Sure, DUMBO is a gorgeous movie with great music and insane images, but if you are a foster or adoptive parent, you should preview this movie before taking your children to see it.

Disney's new Dumbo movie is an emotional journey through Dumbo's life

It’s not just the storyline– which talks about family separation, trying to get back together and it not working, and even making it seem like it might happen again and again.

Disney's Dumbo is a classic kids movie

There’s also the idea that if Dumbo does a good job, he will get to be back with his mother.

disney's new Dumbo movie is a modern take on the classic Disney tale

And this is probably one of the most harmful messages of all for kids who are longing for their biological family.

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The classic story of Dumbo the circus elephant

In fact this is the kind of message that can be harmful to kids who have gone through all sorts of trauma. Not just loss of parents, but divorce, too.

Disney's new Dumbo movie touches on tough topics like trauma and loss

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This theme was present in the original DUMBO, but because it was a cartoon, and not a Tim Burton film, it wasn’t as dark, and wasn’t considered as triggering.

The classic Disney kids movie Dumbo is about a little circus elephant

We aren’t saying don’t go see DUMBO. You should definitely see it.

We are saying just don’t go in there NOT expecting to have a discussion with your children about adoption, parents, and what love means.

Dumbo is a live action kids movie that is adapted from the Disney classic

Even kids without loss are likely going to have questions after seeing this movie, so parents should be prepared.

disney's new Dumbo movie touches on some challenging topics, like loss and trauma

That being said, that little feather is cute as can be, and Dumbo is completely adorable. It’s a beautiful movie that you and your kids will love!

We hope you (cautiously) enjoy the movie!

I sure did. 🙂

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  1. My daughter is 15 and recently was put in foster care. The fosters took all the kids ( about 15 in 2 households ) to see this without the parents knowing. This movie really upset my daughter and she is normally a very strong young woman. She commented it described the foster care system to a T. Hopefully this movie will end up doing good and there will be a public outrcry about how foster care is currently ran, so much of it isn’t ran correctly and does more damage than good, which is the case of my daughter.

    1. Look after your own child then, and stop complaining about people doing their best to bring up other peoples’ children.

  2. Your 1st K is ok, your 2nd K is ok too.. but your 3rd K, not enough..!

  3. Probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

    Trigger warning, generation of snowflakes.