Home Depot Is Selling A Lock, Shock and Barrel Halloween Inflatable and It’s Meant To Be In Your Yard
The Nightmare Before Christmas will never be out of style! These inflatables will make for the perfect Halloween scene in your own front yard! You can get Lock, Shock, and Barrel inflatables in one amazing set!

You can set these up as a standalone display or combine them with other characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas! In fact, they have a 10.5 feet tall Oogie Boogie that would be just perfect! They also have Jack Skellington, and Sally to add in!

Everything you need to set them up is included. All that you need to do to set them up is plug it in, stake them down and that’s it. The stakes and tethers are included with your purchase.

The characters light up with bright LED lights that are energy-efficient. They self inflate within seconds. They can be used both indoor and outdoor! Storage is easy once they are deflated.

We love to decorate for the holidays. For Halloween we setup a grave yard with tombstones and skulls and other ghoulish things. Last year we got a Jack from nightmare before Christmas and he was a hit so when we found Disney 4 ft. Lock Shock and Barrel Halloween Inflatable Pack we had to get it! These are standard inflatable material and blowers. One thing you want to make sure is that when they’re deflated, the blower opening is covered to prevent water from getting in there. Had the transform short out last year on Jack but luckily there are replacements out there. This set is 3 individual blow up characters, each with there own blower, led, and plug. You get 3 sets of tie downs and stakes. The stakes are just 1/8 metal pins. I normally go purchase tent stakes to help prevent them from getting caught by the wind. Overall we’re really happy and can’t wait to decorate!
Uncruling99 – Home Depot Reviewer

You can order your own inflatable Lock, Shock, and Barrel characters from Home Depot for only $129!