Lolli-Poops Valentine Kits Are Here and Kids Are Going to Love Them
Well, I know what my son is going to beg for this Valentine’s Day! I mean, boys just love talking about farts, butts and poop so it only makes sense they’d love these Lolli-Poops Valentine Kits.

My son is going to want EVERY ONE of his friends to receive one of these Lolli-Poops with his name displayed loud and proud!

He is SLIGHTLY obsessed with all things poop emoji — as most eight-year-old boys are — so this box of Friendship Exchange Lolli-Poops is right up his alley!

You have to admit, they ARE pretty cute! You can attach a colorful, yummy Lolli-Poops to each card, and I’d gladly take one in pink!

There is even a purple unicorn poop emoji — which also means my daughter will want them.

Each box comes with 28 cards and attachable Lolli-Poops, which means they are the perfect size for most classrooms.

With flavors like cherry, raspberry and strawberry, all the kids in the classroom will be begging for these tasty Valentines.

They may not say, “I love you” this Valentine’s Day, but they definitely say, “You’re pretty freaking awesome.”

You can get these Lolli-Poop Friendship Kits right from TARGET.
Target also has the CUTEST little Valentine’s Day Succulents For $3. You HAVE to check them out.

And, these Squishy Valentines Lights are just about the greatest thing ever!