You Can Get A Long Distance Lamp That Lights Up When Your Friend or Significant Other Touches It
Are you in a long distance relationship? Did your best friend move away? Do you need a way to feel connected to them? Then we have the answer for you!

Say hello to the Long Distance Friendship Lamp!
According to the page:
Light up a loved one’s life—across town or across the country—with two or more of these in-sync lamps. When you turn one on with a simple touch of your hand, its mate emits the same ambient glow, no matter where it is and who is on the other end.
Parent or grandparent, niece or nephew, or long-distance significant other. Each person sets up their lamp via Wi-Fi, then reaches out and touches the lamp whenever they want to let their loved one know they’re thinking of them. With every touch, the lamp cycles through a rainbow of colors, one at a time.

You can also assign each loved one a color so that when they tap their lamp, yours lights up with their special hue. Connect with the new Friendship Frame , too, if you like.
How cool is that? Imagine your loved one is miles away and you just need to feel close to them. You can light up their lamp to let them know that you are thinking about them which is amazing!

Have an elderly grandparent that you don’t get to see often? Let them know that you’re thinking of them and send a little love their way! The possibilities are endless!
Some may find something like this a little cheesy, but I love it. If my husband ever had to go out of state for something and we would have to be away from each other for awhile, I would love to have something like this to feel closer to him. I would love it for the sake for my kiddos too. They would love this!
One of these lamps is $85 and a set of two is $170. This could be a little pricey, but if each person paid for their own lamp, it could totally be doable!
The lamp has an illumination timer and has a default setting to fade off in 1.5 hours but can be set to fade off in 1/2 hour, 1.5 hours, 8 hours or 24 hours.
What are your thoughts? Sweet or cheesy? Comment below and let us know what you think!