Mario Lopez Is Starring As Colonel Sanders in A Lifetime Movie and He Looks Finger Lickin’ Good
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
I bet you’d never see the day that Mario Lopez could look any better but it seems like he just gets dreamier with age… and grey hair…
No, your eyes are not deceiving you, that is Mario Lopez dressed up like Colonel Sanders.
Yes, Colonel Sanders as in the creator/inventor of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
He is starring in A Lifetime Movie and He Looks Finger Lickin’ Good
Because let’s be real, Mario Lopez with glasses and grey hair is HOT!
The show is appropriately named A Recipe for Seduction and it’s a new mini-movie produced in partnership between Lifetime and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Oh and get this, you won’t have to wait months or even years to watch it…
A Recipe for Seduction is premiering December 13, 2020 at NOON on Lifetime.
So, I don’t know what you’re doing but you better block out that day/time because we all need to see Mario Lopez in this role.
It is giving me life just thinking about it!
You can watch the trailer below. Grab the popcorn and enjoy!