Here’s How You Can See May’s Full Flower Moon
Rain rain go away, I want to see the full Flower Moon in May! I’m hoping for clear skies because I love a pretty full moon!

NASA said that the flower name goes back to the Maine Farmers Almanac in the 1930s. So why is it called the Flower Moon?

Well, when there is a full moon, the name of the full moon is applied to the entire lunar month that it occurred.
So since this one happens in May, when flowers start blooming, that is where the name comes from.

The names for the full moons used in The Old Farmer’s Almanac originated from many sources, including European, Native American, and Colonial American.
The full Flower Moon will reach peak illumination at 9:53 A.M. EDT on May 23rd, but it will be below the horizon at that time.

You should be able to get a good view of the full Flower Moon for 2 days starting Wednesday, May 22nd, and Thursday, May 23rd at night for the best view this time.

You can use this handy dandy calculator to determine the best viewing times for your area. Make sure that you bookmark that for the future. I can’t wait!