You Can Now Get Merit Badges For Adulting And I’m Going To Need Them All
You can now get merit badges for accomplishing your daily life as an adult. Yes, merit badges for adulting exist.
Honestly, it’s about time!

You guys. Adulting is hard. I’m not even joking. Adults told me all the time, when I was a young, naïve, teenager, the perils of becoming an adult. I didn’t listen.

As most teenagers think, I couldn’t WAIT to be an adult. I thought things would be so much easier. Bahaha! I was wrong.

You can finally get the recognition you DESERVE for — you know — things like minding your own business, saving money, and watering the plants.

Sometimes it’s the little things in life. I totally need a patch for managing to put my pants on today and paying my bills on time!

QUALITY EMBROIDERY MATTERS: Adulting Merit Badge patches are made with colorful polyester thread. Each patch features beautiful embroidery that is made to last. We put care and quality into each and every stitch. A lot of thought also goes into making our patches in sizes that work for most people and most projects. Each patch is 2”H x 2”W

I’m so proud of my kids for earning scout badges, but now they won’t be the ONLY ones sporting those brightly colored patches of recognition. I did the work, too. It’s only fair I get the reward. Ha!

EASY AND FUN TO APPLY: Each patch has iron-on backing and includes step-by-step iron-on instructions. Don’t have an iron? No worries! Glue, sew or iron patches onto garments, bags, jackets, hats and even shoes if they are large enough! We recommend E6000 Craft Adhesive if you choose to glue your patches on.

COLLECTIBLE: Patches are like tattoos – addictive! Thankfully patches are slightly less painful too. Be careful with that iron folks. We have so many grown-up accomplishments to choose from we may need another merit patch for making a decision!
You can get these merit badges from Amazon. You can bet I will be getting them ALL. I’ve earned them, dang it!