Drink-Ready Muffin Tin Lemon Ice
Lemon is good in almost anything, especially cocktails and a refreshing glass of water! This super awesome Muffin Tin Lemon Ice is a great party-trick for you to have up your sleeve to wow your guests and fool them into thinking you have your act together!
Drink-Ready Muffin Tin Lemon Ice
I made a super short video that shows you how to make Muffin Tin Lemon Ice Hack so you should definitely check it out!

Or, to get started, making these Muffin Tin Lemon Ice Hack cubes, you will need a few things:
- muffin tin
- water
- lemon slices
- freezer
Here’s how to make Muffin Tin Lemon Ice Cubes:
1. Start out by slicing a lemon and then filling each muffin tin with water.
2. Add one sliced lemon per muffin tin.
3. Freeze.

4. Once all of your lemons are frozen in the ice, you are ready to rumble! Fill a glass with your favorite cocktail or pour a glass of lemonade or water and then drop your ice inside!

Pretty awesome right? I think you can throw a party with this Hack and everyone will love it!