My Kayaking Adventure
Part of the whole goal The Adventure Project is for me to find adventure on my OWN, not just with Tammy and Kelli. Last night I had an amazing adventure, and I want to share it with you.
I apologize for the lack of pictures. I am having so much fun experiencing all this that I am forgetting to take pictures. I promise to work on that, and my new flip camera is on its way to me now, so I will start to get you guys some real video of the adventures!
Here’s an email of thanks I sent to Tammy and Kelli that I wanted to share with you.
So, in honor of my new adventure woman self, I decided to get on board with my
husband’s latest hobby–kayaking. We found the cutest ever little
light blue one for me, and I had a blast learning how to use it this
evening. It was waaaay better than forcing myself to walk around the
block again tonight and I exercised for about an hour longer than I
would have!A month ago, if someone had said to me that I would spend my Friday
night taking my family on a hike at dusk to watch the fireworks over
the lake and my Saturday on a kayaking date with my husband I would
have laughed in their face, but it totally happened!I am not even sure how you begin to thank someone for something like
that, but seriously– thank you!
Kayaking sounds like tons of fun. The last time I did it was in the ocean and it was a total blast! That was 6 1/2 years ago so I think it’s definitely time to do it again. Thanks for the inspiration!
.-= Jaime Theler´s last blog ..Getting all philosophical =-.
What a GREAT adventure. I’ve always loved the idea of kayaking but haven’t ever tried it. What a pretty kayak! Oooh – great date idea – gonna have to suggest it to my DH!
.-= Debbie´s last blog ..Here’s to Giving Up On Perfect! My Most Embarrassing Moment =-.
That sounds like a blast! And I’m infamous for forgetting to take pictures. You know, because I’m too busy actually DOING things.
.-= Carrie Harris´s last blog ..Marry, Date, or Kill – The LOTR Edition =-.
I’m sure it was so fun! I always forget taking pictures too, lol. Have a great week ahead. 🙂
.-= Modern Mom´s last blog ..Music Monday – The Show =-.