Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-19
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- At Harry potter. This theater is co
Pletely empty! WTF! # - If you told me a month ago that I would spend my Saturday evening kayaking around a lake I would have laughed in hour face. #
- I wish my flip camera woukd get here! #
- Remember how the husband bought a kayak? Yeah he just bought ne one too… #
- Thanks guys for coming to my blog TV! You guys are the COOLEST! #
- I want to do an old fashioned book tour complete with rocking bus when I get pubbed… how can I make that happen? #
- Are you doing nothing tonight? Do you want to talk about my book and other stuff? ME BLOG TV
- Have a Nice Day and Watch Out for The Big Yellow Chicken. #
- BlogTV NOW all the cool kiddies are doing it why aren’t you? #
- RT @AngeltownDesign: anyone want to chat? 🙂 RT I’m broadcasting on now, come see me! … #
- ZOMG Come chat with us and see my pink hair on BLOGTV!! #
- I’m bored…. maybe I’ll do a blog tv #
- I’m broadcasting on now, come see me! #
- Want to see pics of my VERY first adventure? I know that you do!
- Meeting @tammylynnkling this morning. Woot! #
- I made it through the tweet up! AND– IT WAS FUN! #
- What’s a good FREE video editing tool? #
- Yaaay the tweetuo was ever so fun! #
- At the tweet up! I did it hooray! #
- See. Already there’s a chicken. You know how I feel about chickens. #
- I better go to the tweetup, eh? I am too ascared! #
- whatever church you go to… this church is WAY cooler #
- I am not gonna lie… I am a little nervous about my first tweetup tonight! #
- #FlowerMound Tweetup Tonight @ 6PM at Pollo Salsa #
- I just jumped on the trampoline during free time at my kid’s gym! Adventure girl much?!? #
- Halle looks awesome! #
- Did my workout for the morning… ohhhh yes I did. #
- Why is it that every time I open the website I lose an hour of my day looking at fabulousness? #
- Here’s the info about tonight’s DFW Tweetup! Tell your friends! #
- Daughter: I bet Santa Claus went to IKEA for this hiding chair. #
- I should write more haikus a la @carrharr #
- ahhhh that looks MUCH better! Look at all those pics! #
- hey DFW Tweeps! Don’t forget about the Tweet up tonight! 6pm – Flower Mound – Pollo Salsa! #
- Here’s a quick update on the book! #
- Okay, here’s one… an agent has my first 3 chapters, but I have already sent them a re-edited version once- #WNW #
- I totally want to visit a cave… what’s the closest one to DFW? #
- so what is #kidlitchat exactly? #
- I feel like I am at a wall. I don’t know how to make the reader connect more with the book. I am
currently quite frustrated! # - #WNW #
- People who can’t find my post to comment… I am number 35 Hugs and Bubbles! #
- Go comment for me!! There might be cookies! #
- okay guys… honesty time! What’s wrong with this listing? #
- Daniel Radcliffe gets interviewed by an eleven year old! This is the cutest thing EVER! #
- The pink hair in my avatar makes me wish I had more than just a few pink highlights in my hair lol my husband would DIE! #
- RT @brian_weis: There is no god but coffee, and espresso is its avatar. Dear Espresso. Thank you for finally waking me up. #
- I have to make this frame made from PVC pipe! #
- Dear Espresso. Thank you for finally waking me up. #
- hands down that was the WEIRDEST part of the books for me… but I do think it could make an interesting sequel. So, wh… #
- My treat basket looks dang yummy if I do say so myself! #
- I just commented “If I owned that path…” on #
- I think my next book idea is starting to bubble over out of my brain. It might need to get written down soon! #
- Shiny shiny #
- I am so past needing highlights it’s not even funny! Thank goodness I’m here! #
- Here’s me officially freaking out about The Adventure Project! #
- Goodnight Tweeples! I have my next adventure project installment tomorrow! Wish me luck! #
- bah I don’t understand spanish! I want to know what they said at the end of Weeds tonight! #
- RT @claena: @angelajames I was disappointed when Tink didn’t get together with the fairy dust guy in the movie. #Disneyisevil (me too!!) #
- In all my years of teaching and attending school, only one year was spent at a school that didn’t have green as one of its colors #
- hmmm what steampunk should I watch/read tonight? 🙂 #
- Oh look my husband just bought a kayak. #
- I wish my avatar had pink hair… #
- That’s where I want to live lol #
- Remember when I was looking for something to draw all over google maps with? BAM! #
- Remember the worm song? Nobody loves me, everybody hates me. I think I’ll go eat worms. Big fat squishy ones, Itty Bitty Skinny ones. #
- I fell kinda bleh. #
- Just picked the daughter up from her weekend with the grandparents. Man j missed her! #
- RT: @kisschanel Chuck Norris doesn’t need twitter. He’s already following you. #
- I took my mom’s dog for SIX MONTHS while she was traveling back and forth to Florida… why can’t she take mine while I sell my house? #
- RT @KimSherrell: RT @Twitter, please crack down on the Trend spammers. They are killing one of the coolest things about you. #
harry potter?
.-= joegrimjow´s last blog ..pengecut, dayus, penakut =-.