These New Emojis May Be Coming Soon to iPhones
iPhone emojis are getting another refresh.
Yet another update for the iPhone is in the works but this time it’s not for the general software.
The latest update for iPhone users will focus on the emojis, and it looks like we may be getting a handful of new hand gestures, animals, and food!
A moose’s head, pushing hands for high-fives, and a plain pink heart are just some of the potential emojis to arrive this year, that is if we do get them in the hands of our keyboards!
Thanks to Emojipedia who released a sneak peak of the new emojis against a purple background that were submitted for approval to the Unicode Consortium.
“While some might not make the cut, most presented for approval are historically confirmed,” said editor-in-chief of Emojipedia, Keith Broni in a blog post.
Keith Broni
So which emojis make the cut?
Well that decision is up to the Unicode and final approval is scheduled to take place in September and upon approval, the emojis would be released as software updates late this year into 2023.