Oreo Pumpkin Spice Cookies Are Back For The First Time In 5 Years and I’m Stocking Up
I know how all of you guys are about your pumpkin spice-flavored goodies!

I’ve never been a fan of pumpkin spice myself, but I feel like this is news that you need to hear right now!

There is always so much negativity lately and we need to highlight the things that bring us joy and for many of you, that is the flavor of fall, pumpkin spice!

Oreo hasn’t produced the Pumpkin Spice Sandwich Cookies in 5 years and finally, they are coming back, but only for a limited time.
The Oreo Pumpkin Spice Sandwich Cookies start with two golden Oreo cookies with a pumpkin spice flavored cream sandwiched in between!

You need consistency because that’s the brand mantra. But no matter how much you like something, consuming something different … increases the enjoyment of what you consumed before.
Alexander Chernev, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management told CNN Business
So very soon, you’ll be able to pick up your favorite pumpkin spice coffee drinks from Starbucks, or Dunkin’, then grab your favorite OREO Pumpkin Spice Sandwich Cookies to celebrate fall in all of it’s glory!

Oreo’s Pumpkin Spice Sandwich Cookies will return to store shelves starting on August 15, 2022, and I am sure you can not wait!