Post Malone Just Donated His Line of Custom Crocs To 10,000 Hospital Workers
When it comes to being giving, Post Malone isn’t stingy! He’s already given thousands of his custom line of Crocs to students as well as communities all over the world.
Now he is focusing on our wonderful hospital workers on the frontlines that have been busting tail during this pandemic.
That’s not to imply that they don’t always bust their tails at all, but they’re tired y’all.
I’ll say it right now, Crocs are comfortable. I don’t really care what anyone says about it, comfort trumps “looks” any day for me.
Frontline workers are spending so many hours on their feet and they need comfortable footwear.
So Post Malone donating thousands of pairs of his custom-designed Crocs to the cause.
His ‘Post Malone x Crocs Duet Max Clog II‘ have actually been sold out since they first hit the market.
However, Post Malone is still making sure that 10,000 frontline hospital workers are hooked up with this donation.
To make this whole thing happen, he paired up with a charity called ‘Musicians on Call’. They bring music to hospitals. They are helping him to get all of these Crocs donated.
The Crocs donated to frontline workers will go to caregivers, housekeeping staff, and healthcare workers.
This will be spread out to about 70 facilities across North America.
I love hearing this, we need more good stuff in the world.