You Can Grow Succulents That Look Like Rainbow Pinecones And I Need Them In My Life
I can not get enough of all of the unique succulents that are in existence!

Like, how many types of succulents are there because it seems like I find a new one almost weekly?

I just came across a listing for Sedum Dasyphyllum ‘Major’ Rare succulents seeds.
They are gorgeous!

They have beautiful pastel colors and kind of remind me of a bunch of mini cotton candy-colored pinecones.

I love how colorful they are, some seem to have different shades and combinations of colors.

I personally have never had any succulents with color of my own yet, but I know that I have got to have them now!
It looks like they are referred to as a ‘Lilac mound’ succulent.

I guess that makes sense due to the way they grow in bunches, however, they still kind of remind me of pinecones in some images.

Sow the seeds according to the seller’s instructions, and the seeds will germinate after two weeks. Looking forward to the growth of baby succulents.
hei – Etsy Reviewer

You can get your own seeds to grow some Sedum Dasyphyllum ‘Major’ Rare succulents on Etsy from MandQseeds!