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You Can Get Rare Pink Rose Succulents and They Are Gorgeous

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Succulents are kind of an addiction for some of us. It’s like every time we see a new one, we must add it to the collection! At least it’s a safe addiction, right?

RareSucculents – Etsy

There are just so many different kinds and so many of them are super unique! Some of them even mimic the looks of other things, like flowers.

RareSucculents – Etsy

I have a hard time keeping flowers alive, however succulents… well those I have had pretty good luck with.

LongStoneGarden – Etsy

So of course when I saw these amazing succulents that look just like pink roses, I had to learn more about them! This one is pretty rare, so if you want them you need to go for it now while they are in stock!

oODreamGardenOo – Etsy

They seriously look just like a rose! If I had just glanced at them I would have totally thought they were a real flower and not a succulent. I can see why they are so popular!

RareSucculents – Etsy

Greenovia dodrantalis, is known as the mountain rose succulent. The leaves are so tightly packed that they look like rose petals!

RareSucculents – Etsy

You can actually find rose succulents in other shades as well, but pink is the hardest one to find. Pink is the one that looks the most realistic in my opinion.

LongStoneGarden – Etsy

As I said, they sell out super fast. If they are sold out when you check, just save the seller and keep checking back. This shop has some in stock right now, and then you can also find more here.

LongStoneGarden – Etsy

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