You Can Get A Rubber Ducky Tea Infuser And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever
I love my coffee, but sometimes in the evenings I just love a nice cup of hot freshly brewed tea.

I also love having tea infusers for loose leaf tea, one of my favorites is the hilarious butt tea infuser!
But now I think I’ve found a new favorite, and it’s an adorable rubber ducky tea infuser.

It literally looks like a little rubber ducky floating in your mug, but it’s secretly doing its job by infusing the tea into your hot water.

The rubber ducky tea infuser has a screened area made from 18/8 stainless steel underneath it to hold your loose leaf tea.

The rubber ducky is made from BPA-free plastic, so no need to worry about toxins.
Once you’ve filled it up, just float the rubber ducky in your mug and let it works its magic while bringing a smile to your face.

When you’re done brewing your tea, simply place the rubber ducky tea infuser in the holder that comes with it so that you can avoid drips.
It’s so tiny, measuring just 3.25 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter.

Clean up is easy, just hand wash and let it dry, don’t put it in the dishwasher!

I think this would be a great gift for your tea-loving friends and family.

You can get your own rubber ducky tea infuser on Amazon, I’m off to order mine now!