People Are Using A Pair of Socks To Calm Their Pets During Fireworks and It’s Pure Genius
Ahhh I always feel bad for pets this time of year. The noise from fireworks surely makes our little furry friends anxious and scared.

Well, I wish I had known about this hack sooner but it’s one worth sharing now…
People Are Using A Pair of Socks To Calm Their Pets During Fireworks and It’s Pure Genius!! Seriously, keep this tid bit of information in your back pocket for next year.

17-year-old Caitlin Miller from South Shields, UK has shared a hack for helping calm her dogs on Facebook.
The best part about it? It costs $0.
Instead of buying expensive dog jackets or supplements, Caitlin suggested other dog owners use a pair of old socks.
“For all those whose dogs are scared of fireworks,” she wrote on Facebook, “Instead of buying anti-stress bands or anything else off of the internet, just cut the two ends off a sock and put it on their head ensuring it’s not too tight, but comfortable.”
“It gives them a sensation of being cuddled and relaxes them. We used them last year, as firework season is back, we’re using them again, and thought I’d share with my friends,” Caitlin’s Facebook post continued.
The idea is the same concept as those anti-stress bands you can buy online for around $12. Only this one will cost you $0 and only a few minutes of your time.

So, what do you think? I find this genius and I am totally giving it a try with my dogs!