You Can Get A Stained Glass Hanging Bat And It Makes A Gorgeous Halloween Decoration
I just love stained glass art, especially when the sun hits the glass in just the right spot; it can create a rainbow on the wooden floor or even on the sheets of your bed.

I used to have a few when I was little, but I was too young to remember the design.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering why I don’t have any now. A few sun catchers would go hand in hand with the boho theme I have going on in my room, depending on the design of course.

If you’re in need of sprucing up your windows and have been feeling in the spirit of Halloween lately, Etsy has just the product.
You can purchase a Halloween stained glass bat sun catcher for 43 dollars on Etsy.

The account @GlassArtStories, hand makes each stained glass sun catcher and you can even customize orders to your liking!
Although I’m not quite sure on why you would prefer a customized order because this ceramic bat comes in a handful of colors. The colors pictured include multi-colored, purple, red, blue, orange, and grey.

Not only does @GlassArtStories sell flying bats, but he also sells geometric terrariums along with an entire list of other products.
I smell succulents….!